Program Impact


Online Courses Impacted


Online Students Impacted

2014-2019 Survey Results

Exit surveys were also completed by the “Plan & Design,” and “Facilitation & Management” faculty/instructional staff participants to assess satisfaction and impact. Over five years, almost all participants rate their satisfaction with both courses as either “very satisfied” or “satisfied”; with about three-fourths giving a “very satisfied” rating (74% very satisfied with Plan & Design; 75% very satisfied with Facilitation and Management).

  • This resulted in a total of 600 courses impacted and a total of 30,000 online students. The participants said what they learned also improved their blended and face-to-face courses.
  • 85% of participant said they shared what they learned with their colleagues (over 1,200 colleagues) and 13% plan to share either one-on-one, during department meetings, or by giving presentations.


Program satisfaction data and impact on course quality provided on the Feedback & Reflections Page.