Satisfied with TeachOnline@UW
Here is what participants said:
“It has been the most incredible learning journey. One of the most valuable things I have ever done, and in terms of my teaching, the most valuable thing I have ever done.”
“I simply could not have designed my online class without this course. It has been life-changing. I am a complete convert to online teaching, in a great part due to the amazing workshop resources.”
“I really valued meeting and getting to know people outside of my department who were similarly interested in improving teaching.”
“I now have a good understanding of what it takes to build an online course, as well as the tools that can be employed effectively.”
“My biggest takeaways from the course are fundamentals of course design. All of the creative content delivery has opened my eyes and inspired me.”
Reflections from the 2019 TeachOnline@UW participants from the May 23, 2019 Culmination Celebration & Showcase.
Participant Feedback:
- 100% were satisfied with the “Plan & Design” course.
- 99.5% were satisfied with the “Facilitation & Management” course.
- 95% said they gained practical knowledge.
- 90% said what they learned helped them “incorporate more active learning strategies.”

- 99% feel that it improved with quality of their online and blended courses.
- 94% said “what I learned in TeachOnline@UW positively impacted how students learned” in their online or blended courses and “changed the way I think about teaching.”
- 80% have made improvements and 18% plan to make improvements when they teach online.
- 85% said TeachOnline@UW improved the quality of their online courses; 15% said they have not
taught online yet but it has “improved the quality of the other courses they teach.”