Facilitators & Sponsors

The Online Faculty Development Committee 

This workshop series was planned, developed, and facilitated by the very dedicated online faculty development team who volunteer their time to plan and grade learning community activities.

“Many volunteered their time to make the online course a high-quality experience and provide feedback on the many interactive activities, online discussions, and face-to-face collaborative sessions. Their time and talent made this program a success.”
—Karen Skibba, TeachOnline@UW Program Manager, Center for Teaching, Learning & Mentoring 

Following are the TeachOnline@UW facilitators

Jim Burling, The Center for Teaching, Learning & Mentoring (2018 to Present)

Chris Cantoni, The Center for Teaching, Learning & Mentoring (2019 to Present)

Amanda Ferrante, The Center for Teaching, Learning & Mentoring (2019 to 2020)

Jamie Henke, Division of Continuing Studies (2019 to Present)

Haley Kerkhoff, The Center for Teaching, Learning & Mentoring (2015 to 2020)

Jonathan Klein, L&S Learning Support Services (2014 to 2020)

John Martin, The Center for Teaching, Learning & Mentoring

Mark Millard, Learning Design and Technologies, Department of Engineering Professional Development (2014 to 2019)

Amanda Renz Learning Design and Technologies, Department of Engineering Professional Development (2019 to Present)

Kristin Simon, School of Medicine & Public Health, Educational Technology (2017 to 2020)

Karin Spader, The Center for Teaching, Learning & Mentoring (2019 to 2020)

Karen Skibba (Program Manager), The Center for Teaching, Learning & Mentoring (2014 to Present)

Janet Staker Woerner, The Center for Teaching, Learning & Mentoring (2021 to present)

Colleen Valdez, The Center for Teaching, Learning & Mentoring (2019 to 2020)

Maria Widmer, MERIT (Media, Education Resources, and Information Technology), School of Education (2017 to Present)

In addition to the above facilitators, additional instructional designers from the Center from Teaching, Learning &  Mentoring provided feedback on the course planning worksheets. Many work directly with instructors who they support to develop online courses.

What the Participants Said about the Facilitators

“Thanks to the facilitators and funders for investing in us as learners!”

“I much appreciated the comments, suggestions, assistance, and encouragement the course facilitators have provided!”

“The leaders were very knowledgeable and genuinely care about the success of your courses.”

“The feedback and support from the instructors was very reinforcing and helpful in encourage me to try stuff that I would otherwise have avoided.”

“I  was impressed by the huge amount of work that obviously went into preparing and delivering such an excellent course!”

Program Sponsors

The TeachOnline@UW Learning Community is funded by Educational Innovation and the Division of Continuing Studies and developed and facilitated by a cross-campus committee with a mission to provide faculty and instructional staff with support to develop and teach online courses. Committee members include instructional staff from the College of Engineering, the Division of Continuing Studies, the Division of Information Technology Academic Technology, L&S Learning Support Services, and the School of Education, and the School of Medicine and Public Health.

For more information or questions, please email teachonlineuw_staff@lists.wisc.edu.